17 October 2009

NaNoWriMo Writing Prompts

On the NaNoWriMo forums, there is a sub-forum of Word Wars, Prompts, and Sprints. The point of these prompts are to get you in a writing mode, basically by choosing a set time and writing what you can about that prompt.

I usually choose between 5 and 10 minutes, just as something small, because I'm finding, if I don't have an idea or a spark of what to write I will spend those 10 minutes just going, WTF will I write. 

So I'll be posting them in their own entries as I write them, they will have the date that the prompt was given on the NaNo forum.

October 5th
"Let's play a little game."
The little 5 year old boy was jumping up and down, saying let's play a little game, to his classmates at recess.
Other boys in the group agreed, but the little girls made a face and said "ewww" a game and ran off.
The first boy yelled "Well you have cooties, anyway." The rest of the boys chuckled.
"Cooties, are yucky!"
"Who needs girls!"
"Bad girls!"
Those were some of the taunts by the other boys. Max the 5 year old who was so excited to just play a game, saw his excitement dissapate as the rest of the boys started to make fun of the girls. All he wanted was for everyone to play together.