01 November 2009

NaNoWriMo Day 1

I stayed up until midnight, like I have done the past two NaNo's and I wrote about 1400 words. That was exciting b/c my days goal was almost met.  I nodded off at the computer and then decided sleep was necessary. I woke up and wrote a little more. I then decided where I was going to go and attend a  Write In at. I got ready for the day, and of course as usual, I got some more inspiration while in the shower. Came out wrote some more and got to 2000 words.

I went to Borders met my group, who I think I will be hanging out with a lot more this year because they are really into it and ready to write. I only wrote 500 more words there. But I think it was more the fact that we were spending time getting to know one another. That's what happens these first couple write-ins.

But now I'm sitting oh so close to 5000 words. That's my goal for today.

I am also participating in WriYe, which is Writing Year, You set your own word count and anything you write (well 98% of the stuff you write) counts towards your goal. My goal this year is 100,000 words. I think if I kick this NaNo in it's ass I will meet my 100K goal.

I am going to finish up my day 1 writing, which has already took some unexpected twists, but I like it, and head to bed so I can get on my November schedule of wake up early and write before I get ready for work.

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