18 October 2009

Writing Prompt- October 7th

October 7th:
"I want to go home."
As the young boy was waiting for the school bus,  he said to the teacher, "I'm not sure I like school. I want to go home."
"Why is that?"
"It's just too hard. I'm not good enough."
"Don't ever say that. You come to school to learn. Over the years, you build up on information that you learn now.  It's a way to learn and grow and understand what goes on in the world."
"Years??" The boy asked in shock with wide eyes.
The teacher chuckled lightly, and said "yes, child, once you start school you are in school for the next 12 or so years."
"Mommy!" The boy yelled wanting to get away from there. He didn't want to learn for all that time. 


Anonymous said...

I'm with the kid here. *grins*

Unknown said...

hehe. This made me giggle the whole time I wrote this.

Laurie said...

Very cute!!!

Unknown said...

Thanks :D